65% NY’ers Say We are ‘More Partisan than Ever’
Pluralities Lean Left on Economic and Social Issues, Health Care & Environment; But, by only 33-29% Describe as Left vs. Right26% Think Less of People They Know Holding Different Pol…
Pluralities Lean Left on Economic and Social Issues, Health Care & Environment; But, by only 33-29% Describe as Left vs. Right26% Think Less of People They Know Holding Different Pol…
Nearly 2/3 of NYers Think the Yankees are a Sure Thing (10%) or Have a Good Shot (53%) to Win the World Series this Year Only 5% Think They Have…
Majority Says Cuomo Has Made NY Better Place in 9 Years as Gov;Yet, His Favorability & Job Performance Ratings Match Record Lows Strong Support for Many New Laws; Licenses for…
71% of NYers Patriotic; 80% Proud to be an American
Most Pause to Celebrate Country on the 4th, Fill with Pride Hearing Star Spangled Banner and Majority Wear Red, White and Blue on Independence Day
Nearly All Support Freedom of Speech Even for Critics of Country but Majority Say Never OK to Burn American Flag
Over Half Always Vote; 1/3 Often Talk Politics with Family and Friends
Consumer Sentiment Drops Among NY’ers; National Outlook Flat
Overall Index Down by over 6 Points; Current View Hardest Hit; Most with Young & Women
Home Improvement Plans Increase, All Other Plans Slip; Food Costs Weigh on NY’ers
In Aftermath of Mueller Report, New Yorkers Are Divided: 50% Say “The Case is Closed, It’s Time to Move On”; 45% Say House Should Start Impeachment Investigation Voters Believe: Russia…
Voters Strongly Say Permanent Property Tax Cap & Plastic Bag Ban Are Good for NY; Banning Release of Mug Shots Is Bad Overwhelming Opposition to Increased Salary for Governor and…
Ocasio-Cortez Viewed Favorably by Majority of Voters in Her District; 48% of All Voters, 61% of Dems Would Re-elect AOC Strong Majority of Voters Say Amazon Canceling Planned Queens Headquarters…
2/3 of Voters Say Amazon Cancelling Queens HQ Bad for NY; 2-to-1 Support for Deal if Amazon Reconsiders Huge Support: Requiring Parents to Have Children Vaccinated; Strong Support: Property Tax Cap;…
Voters Give Cuomo & Schumer Their Lowest Ratings Ever Ratings for Cuomo & Legislature Drop Significantly, Even as Voters Say New Laws Passed in ’19 Will Be Good for NY…