Trump Leads Biden, 48-44% Among National Likely Voters

  • Voters View Both Biden & Trump Negatively; 59% Disapprove of Job Biden is Doing; 53% Think Trump Committed Serious Federal Crimes
  • By 46-41% Voters Predict Trump Will Win

Topline Crosstabs Registered Voters Crosstabs Likely Voters Crosstabs

“Among a national sample of unhappy likely voters – two-thirds say the country is on the wrong track – former President Donald Trump holds a four-point advantage, 48-44%, over President Joe Biden,” said Don Levy, SCRI’s Director. “Both candidates record negative favorability ratings with Biden seen unfavorably by 57% and Trump viewed unfavorably by 55%.  Fifty-nine percent disapprove of Biden’s job performance and despite a majority, 53%, saying Trump committed serious federal crimes, a plurality, 46-41%, predict that Trump will regain the presidency.”