Siena Poll

Cuomo Leads Astorino by 37 Points

Cuomo Leads Astorino by 37 Points Among Likely Voters; Six in Ten Say Cuomo’s Made NY Better in Last Four Years Two-Thirds Say Most Legislators Do What’s Best for Them…

Rangel Leads Espaillat By 13 Points

This Poll Must Be Cited As: NY1/Siena College Poll Rangel Leads Espaillat By 13 Points – 47-34% – Heading Into Home Stretch in 13th CD Democratic Primary Espaillat’s 24-Point Latino…

Cuomo Maintains Huge Lead Over Astorino

Cuomo Maintains Huge Lead Over Astorino – 36 Points; Cuomo Favorability Up; Astorino Remains Largely Unknown Voters on Senate: Coalition, Yes; IDC Partner with Reps; Cuomo Stay Out Democratic Incumbents…

Rangel Leads Espaillat

This Poll Must Be Cited As: The New York Times/NY1/Siena College Poll Rangel Leads Espaillat by 9 Points (41-32%) in 13th CD Primary Other Candidates Syphon 11 Percent of the…