COMD210 2024: Public Opinion on Climate Change

The survey was created by the 2024 Spring COMD210 class, with assistance from Travis Brodbeck, guest speakers Brian Keegan and Clare Boone, and the Siena College Research Institute. The community partner for this survey was Environmental Advocates NY. 


Respondents were asked about their beliefs and opinions on environmental policy and issues. This Siena College Poll was conducted March 25 – 31, 2024, among 915 New York State residents.

More Information About The Study
Promotional Materials

“Surveys can change the world by informing stakeholders and decision makers with the beliefs of the public. The COMD210 course empowers students to be the next generation of survey researchers trained to accurately and reliably measure issues that impact people.  Beyond building the skillset of Siena students, this course provides a needed service to organizations in our community. The work of these students shows that together we all can play our part in making the world a more peaceful and equitable place.”

Travis Brodbeck

Associate Director of Data Management 
Siena College Research Institute