In 2020, Tangible Development and the Siena College Research Institute joined forces to create a Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Climate Survey and assessment tool to help organizations create data-driven organizational change.
Together, the Siena College Research Institute and Tangible Development are well-equipped with the right tools and knowledge to bring unprecedented data-driven DEI results to companies who are ready for organizational change.

For over 10-years, Tangible Development has been providing full-service, customized diversity, equity, and inclusion solutions that include change strategy, culture transformation, learning & development, and chief diversity officer recruitment. By using the Climate Assessment Tool to incorporate data collection into their consultative processes deeply enhances and informs the work they do.
"The future of work is diverse, equitable, and inclusive."
This DEI Climate Survey will help your company discover areas of organizational strengths and opportunities for growth, make strategic decisions for cultural transformation that align with your business strategy, and create a culture of belonging where everyone feels valued. The survey will measure four key elements:

Institutional Structure:
Does your organization have policies, procedures, and structures in place to support diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Institutional Culture:
Does your company culture create a sense of belonging and individual authenticity?

Personal Beliefs:
Are employee beliefs aligned with valuing diversity, equity, and inclusion and how do those beliefs translate to organizational culture?

Personal Practices:
Do employees take concrete steps to consistently practice diversity, equity and inclusion?