- Seeking 6th Term, Rep. Cartwright (D) Leads Bognet (R) by 6 Points, 50-44%, in District Trump Won in 2016 & 2020
- Cartwright Viewed Favorably 47-35%; Bognet Viewed Unfavorably 36-40%

Siena College Research Institute Director Dr. Don Levy said: “Democrat Cartwright, seeking a sixth term in a district that voted twice for Trump, has a six-point lead over Republican Bognet, a first-time candidate who worked in the Trump administration, heading into the closing days. Cartwright has support from 90% of Democrats, compared to Bognet’s 79% support from Republicans. However, Bognet also has a 19-point, 52-33%, lead with independents. Cartwright has a better favorability rating, 47-35%, than Bognet, 19-17%.”